asbestos removal

Get Rid of Dangerous Asbestos

Total Asbestos Abatement

The term asbestos describes six naturally occurring fibrous minerals found in certain types of rock formations. When mined and processed, asbestos separates into very small fibers. The asbestos fibers were commonly mixed during processing with a material, which binds them together. Prior to the banning of its widespread use, asbestos was incorporated into hundreds of building products, including fireproofing materials, pipe and boiler insulation, gaskets, wall board, joint compound, cement, laboratory countertops, floor and ceiling tiles and electrical components.


When products containing asbestos become deteriorated or damaged, they may release fibers into the air. Asbestos fibers are so small and light that they can remain in the air for many hours. When asbestos fibers are present in the air they become subject to human inhalation and can cause serious health problems. When inhaled, they can cause diseases, which disrupt the normal functioning of the lungs. Diseases such as asbestosis, mesothelioma, and lung cancer have been linked to asbestos exposure.


ERS staff consists of certified asbestos inspectors and designers that are capable of assessing any situation and providing safe and cost effective solutions. Our experienced, licensed asbestos abatement technicians have completed all state and federal required training.

asbestos removal

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